Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Chairman’s Corner

The fiscal year 2012-2013 will be remembered as a significant year at the Chamber. It will be remembered as the year we got things under way quickly, and profitably, with a move to new “right sized” offices. It will be remembered as a year when the recession induced philosophy of “doing more with less” felt like the right answer. And it will be remembered as a year when the Chamber’s financial operations were on budget and in the black. So overall, fiscal year 2013 will go down in the Chamber’s recent history as an exceptionally good operational year that I sense is a measure of great ones soon to follow.

I believe the Chamber’s year can be perceived as a reflection of the current economic conditions in Scottsdale and the region; a bellwether of the economy if you will. We can be positive because the business community as a whole reports both picking up steam and an optimistic attitude. Member companies are largely in this camp.  While this recovery is still fragile no doubt, there is a growing confidence that builds as momentum mounts. Surviving challenging times allows us to emerge stronger.

The Chamber is working hard to retool in the midst of these challenges. With a small, dedicated team, our staff continues to create new innovative programs and events while providing exceptional “value add” for a diverse membership.  This Chamber continues to be recognized as a quality organization made up of exceptional companies.

The Board of Directors and the staff at the Chamber are determined to help the Chamber grow. New members bring diverse opinions and varied approaches to business. Alliances and collaboration are business tools of the post-recession era. You can be our biggest advocates in building our membership and making this Chamber the strongest in the state. Think about referring companies that you know will make us all better business people. 
As we look to build on the success of the year just ending, time is right for re-investing in our technology to better support our membership. Capital has been allocated for a long postponed acquisition of new computers, a new Chamber web site and a new member management system.  These tools will make it easier for the organization to serve its members and provide new value and exposure opportunities for all.
I was reminded recently that the hallmark of a great institution, or a great city for that matter, is the complete rejection of complacency by its leaders. I hope you recognize that the Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce works daily to guard against allowing the norm to be good enough.  As your Board Chair, I have challenged the Board of Directors and staff to lead the way this year by offering new ways of doing things, fresh ideas and different approaches.  My challenge goes out to each of you as well!!   
Thank you, as always, for your support.  Have a great summer!!

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